Borrowed Light: Today in Blogworld 2/28-03/02

I doubt these would actually work, but Michael Patton gives us 20 Theological Pick Up Lines. My favorite is this one: “I could not help but notice you were exegeting me instead of the text during the sermon.” Check out… Continue Reading

Borrowed Light: Today in Blogworld 02/26

Ingrown toenails are painful to endure. Apparently so are Ingrown Churches. Joe Thorn gives 7 signs that your church is ingrown. (HT: Steve McCoy) Ouch! Trevin Wax delivers a convicting post on ear-tickling preaching. Here is a sample: “We crave… Continue Reading

Borrowed Light: Today in Blogworld 02/20-21

Imagine this…Mark Driscoll has stirred up controversy. The discussions start with Challies review of Driscoll’s Vintage Jesus. Then he asks, How Do You Solve a Problem Like Mark Driscoll? Brian Thornton weighs in, as does Carla Rolfe. David, The Thristy… Continue Reading