Borrowed Light: Today in Blogworld 2/28-03/02

I doubt these would actually work, but Michael Patton gives us 20 Theological Pick Up Lines. My favorite is this one: “I could not help but notice you were exegeting me instead of the text during the sermon.” Check out the rest…

In the latest Pulpit Magazine article, John MacArthur considers election.

Tim Challies interviews one of my favorite authors, Os Guinness. You can read it here.

Jared from Gospel-Driven Church points us to a list of pastoral pitfalls given by Art Azurdia. By the way, an excellent work is Azurdia’s Spirit Empowered Preaching. Seriously, if you are a pastor you really need to buy and read this great book. About the best 9 bucks you can spend.

Great article by Stephen Altrogge, Pride and Arrogance 101. Unfortunately I’m not sure I need to take the entry level course, I might qualify for the upper level courses…wait…was that prideful?

Trouble with Frank Page, part four is provided by the Reformed Mafia. The conclusion is well put: “The bottom line is that Dr. Page’s heralded, supposedly reformational, Scriptural soteriology is merely the five articles of the Remonstrance, with the last one replaced by Eternal Security, which both sides at the Synod of Dort would have found strange.”

Nathan Busenitz wraps up his discussion on the Law. In case you missed each link, this particular article can link you to all 8 posts on the topic. It is a very helpful discussion. His resolution post can be found here. Part 2 of Appealing to the Law can be found here.

Unfortunately Timmy Brister never blogspotted The Mystery of Providence. But he does provide an open thread.

Phil Johnson continues his excellent series on Depravity. His latest question: Is There an Antidote to Our Depravity?

Timmy Brister has a thoughtful post on the ridiculous things we in the SBC use as Evangelism. Here is his concluding statement: “The truth is, the sinners in Paul’s day were no more sinful than sinners in our day, and if we are going to experience the power of the gospel in our lives and ministries, we must preach Christ and Him crucified. The resurrection of Christ is no mere illusion, and we should not evangelize like it either.”

In closing…HOW ABOUT THOSE BROWNIES IN FREE AGENCY!!! We have no draft picks in April but Donte Stallworth, Shaun Rogers, and Corey Williams are huge helps for our team. My only concern is the lack of a shut-down cornerback. Check out the Browns website for the latest.

One Comment

  1. Having found your blog through the Puritan Reading Challenge, and also being a Blogspot blogger (of sorts), I was wondering if you could explain to me just how you got the PRC button onto your blog? I’ve tried a number of ways but can’t seem to figure it out. Which page element do I need to choose? What do I copy and paste where? I’m hoping that this was a providential linkage to help solve my dilemma!

    Thanks for any advice you can give.

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