Borrowed Light: Today in Blogworld 02/20-21

Imagine this…Mark Driscoll has stirred up controversy. The discussions start with Challies review of Driscoll’s Vintage Jesus. Then he asks, How Do You Solve a Problem Like Mark Driscoll? Brian Thornton weighs in, as does Carla Rolfe.

David, The Thristy Theologian, explains Why He is a Calvinst, today he discusses Depravity.

I’m not the biggest fan of the title, but the Reformed Mafia, is showing the Trouble with Frank Page. It’s a play off Page’s, ridiculous work, The Trouble with Tulip. If you have read Page’s book you’ll appreciate the review. See Part One and Two.

What does it mean to avoid every appearance of evil? Dan Wallace answers. This is a quality article, and very important given many of our recent discussions on alcohol, card playin’, etc. Here is his conclusion: “To wield 1 Thess 5.22 as a weapon to restrict a believer’s personal freedom is against the general tenor of the New Testament and of the Lord’s life in particular. Ironically, to avoid every appearance of evil is far more in keeping with the Pharisees’ model of righteousness than with Jesus’!”

Michael Patton continues his series on the Emergent Church. Today he asks, “Are You Emerging“? He has also recently compared Fundamentalists, Evangelicals, and Emergents.

Are we under the Law? Nathan Busenitz continues his series with part two and three.

Our church is currently trying to reframe our mission statement and put together a few statements to go with it. Perhaps we should consider the words of Dr. Bart Barber. This flies in the face of your typical outreach material; I love it. (HT: Henry Institute)

David Mathis gives us a very helpful list on resources for Bibliology.

Thabiti has a really wonderful article on highly gifted pastors in small fields of labor. Are Our Gifts to be Big for Our Field of Labor?

David Wells guest blogs at 9Marks. He asks, Are We Fiddling While Rome Burns? In case you cannot pick it up by the title, this article is about alternate forms of “having church”.

Lastly, Michael McKinley offers a Hypocrites Guide to Preaching.