Today in Blogworld 11.27.12

Four Reasons Men Don’t Read Books (with a Practical Suggestion)

This one has made its rounds but I love it so much that I have to link to it. Tony Reinke narrows in on four reasons why men don’t read. I appreciate that he also offers practical helps for those of us that do read to encourage more male readership.

Does the Bible Separate Salvation from Baptism?

Josh Stahley provides an answer. Questions like this always provide lively discussion. It’s a difficult question.

Brothers, Supernatural Does Not Mean Stupid

Last week Piper encouraged pastors to realize that the ministry is supernatural. Today he reminds us that supernatural does not mean stupid. I appreciate Piper’s words here. Often “spiritual” morphs into “stupid and lazy”.

10 Ways that Satan Loves to Watch Marriages Fall Apart

Wise words from Deepak Reju. Here are 10 ways that we make our marriages fall apart. The devil enjoys having a front row seat watching us destroy ourselves and our marriages with these ten things.

I feel this guys pain. This is what would happen if I ever did standup: