6 Principles For Spiritually Nourishing Your Family

I have been reading The Shepherd leader at Home by Timothy Z. Witmer. It is a short book that packs a pretty solid punch. Witmer encourages husbands and dads to know, lead, protect, and provide for their family. In his chapter on Spiritual Provision, Witmer lists six principles* that can help assist the spiritual reflection times you have with your family:

  1. Be realistic. Don’t set plans that you can’t actually sustain
  2. Be systematic. Do have a plan, though
  3. Be flexible. Rigidity will lead to disdain, it’s okay to miss a night
  4. Be consistent. Missing a night should be the exception, not the rule
  5. Be interactive. Be intentional about encouraging involvement
  6. Be real. Make this a natural reflection of your own walk with Christ

I have found Witmer’s book helpful. You may as well. You can purchase it at Amazon for only 8 bucks.

*The points are Witmer’s, the summary is mine