Today in Blogworld 6.4.12

No Longer Amazed by Grace

Paul Tripp reflects on words from a burned out minister as well as helpful counsel from B.B. Warfield.  The takeaway from this article is to honestly reflect on these questions: “Could there be a greater danger in ministry than the leader losing his awe? How many of us in ministry need to cry out for rescue that our eyes would be open once again and our hearts enthralled once again? How many of us are in need of being revived by the very grace that doesn’t move us like it once did?”

Stop Eating Your Children

Wow, these are really strong words to pastors about how they relate to their sons and daughters.  Actually I think it’s more about leaders preaching down to the generation below them.  Great read.  (HT: Trevin Wax)

Six Myths of Success

Scott Thomas gives six lies that a pursuit of success sells.  Ministers can be especially prone to this but I believe these lies are pretty universal regardless your field. 

How Pastor-Counselors Differ from Secular Counselors

It is a shame when many pastors outsource their counseling to “professionals”.  David Powlison encourages pastors to take a more active role in counseling.  Here he shows the pastors unique role in counseling.  Very helpful, encouraging, and motivating. 

Fill Your Reader: Practicing Affirmation is only $3.99 today

This is hilarious:

(HT: Stephen Altrogge)