***Spoiler*** Alert

Awhile back this film was making its rounds on the internet:

After watching that video I wrote this article


I read the ending.  Jesus wins.

When you know that Jesus wins it puts everything in perspective.  If you know the ending of a book the rough parts do not seem so bad.  You read the entire book through the lens of a happy ending.  Well…Jesus wins—hopefully, that’s a happy ending to you.

Yes, things might seem bleak in our nation.  It may seem like the gospel is dying in Europe.  It may seem like Islam is winning.  But Jesus wins.

Yes, things might seem bleak in your own life.  It may seem like each day is clothed in darkness.  It may seem like your world is coming to an end.  You may feel like a reject, a disappointment to God and society, and a big giant failure.  And things may legitimately stink.  But you know what?  Jesus wins.

And if Jesus wins and you are “hidden in him” that means you win too.

Originally posted here