Does God Answer the Prayer of Unbelievers?

ben-white-ReEqHw2GyeI-unsplashIt’s always interesting for me to read things I wrote a few years ago. I don’t think I’ve changed all that much—but there are subtle shifts in my theology and certain emphasis today that weren’t present back in 2017.

I noticed this when my editor for Crosswalk approached me with a request to rewrite and lengthen a piece I wrote back in 2017.

Does God Answer the Prayers of an Unbeliever?

I had to add about 800 words to that piece to create the new piece. I changed the introduction and I also reframed it a little. I don’t necessarily agree with MacArthur or others who use John 9:31 or Isaiah 59:2 to argue that God doesn’t hear the prayer of an unbeliever.

I still believe that we are asking the wrong question here. And I still don’t think we have firm ground to stand upon to say that God does answer the prayer of an unbeliever.

If you’re interested you can check out the new version of this article here:

Does God Answer the Prayers of Unbelievers?

Photo source: here