Read This! 01.09.20

Can the Godless Do Good?

I appreciate this question. To me what is most unsettling is not that unbelievers can “do good” but the way in which sometimes their virtue surpasses that of some professing Christians. So if you’ve been really burned by professing believers this question is magnified.

Your Listening Habits Are Harming Your Relationship With God

I had a similar thought the other day. It’s amazing to me how much different social media is today than even ten years ago. It seems to me we truly have lost the ability to listen to one another. And as such I’m not surprised that there are less and less folks sharing things that God is showing them.

4 Principles for the Exercise of Christian Liberty

One of the things I love most about Sinclair Ferguson is how wonderfully simple and to the point his writing can be. Christian liberty is one of those things that can cause lots of debate (when we get to specifics) but Ferguson seems to cut through that and gives helpful guiding principles.

One of the Best Illustrations I’ve Heard in Years

Andrew Wilson shares an illustration from Gavin Ortlund on how the second person of the Trinity can be omnipresent and incarnate at the same time. I think it’s helpful, but honestly I’m still chewing on it.

A Husband’s Perspective on a Postpartum Body

This is a beautiful piece of writing.

Will We Remember Our Life in Heaven? Even the Trauma?

I’ve heard (and asked) this question a few times. I think this is a pretty faithful response, though a bit different than what you might have heard.

This is the difference between a professional opera singer and a beginner. If I had to choose between the two I’d pick silence: