Read This! 10.01.19

I took a few weeks off from writing. It wasn’t planned but it happened. Some of these articles are pretty dated, but I still find them valuable and want to share.

10 Atonement Songs You Should Consider Singing

I’m actually not familiar with many of these.

Are You Schismatic?

A needed word.

10 Spiritual Benefits of Journaling

It’s a helpful practice, really.

Can Loved Ones in Heaven Look Down on Me?

I appreciate how John Piper goes at answering this question.

An Elevator Pitch for Church Membership

Helpful and concise.

11 Questions for Prideful Pastors (and Those Who Think They’re Not)

Those are great questions.

13 Signs of Friendship Gone Wrong

Friendships are great gifts from God. And just like any other good gift we can turn them into idols. These are a few signs that maybe a friendship is moving into an unhealthy realm.

Young Pastors and Senior Adults

I appreciate the simplicity and the heart of this. It’s worth bookmarking and coming back to.

I don’t know if my wife would approve of me watching this…it might not help my pack-rat tendencies:

Treasures in the Trash from HELLER films on Vimeo.