Eight Ways God Overrules Temptation For Our Good

If you were on a diet and I knew you were susceptible to eating chocolate cake I would do everything in my power to keep chocolate cake out of your sight, right? Why would I allow you to face temptation? It doesn’t seem like a difficult question, does it? Yet, it gets a bit dicey when we start asking this question of God. Why would he allow us to be tempted.

In his book All Things for Good, Thomas Watson, argues that everything which happens is ultimately for our good and for God’s glory. The book is a 127 page exposition of Romans 8:28. This topic of the good which God brings from temptation is tackled early on. Though it doesn’t necessarily provide a complete theodicy, it’s helpful to think through the good which God brings through even our temptation.

I’ve occasionally updated the language here and summarized. Here are eight ways God uses temptation for our good:

  1. Temptation sends the soul to prayer.
  2. Temptation causes us to fight sin more vigorously.
  3. Temptation weakens our pride. “Better is that temptation which humbles me, than that duty which makes me proud.”(35)
  4. Temptation is the means by which God will test the heart.
  5. Temptation prepares us to comfort others. “He that has felt the claws of the roaring lion, and has lain bleeding under those wounds, is the fittest man to deal with one that is tempted.” (36)
  6. Temptation stirs up the fatherly compassion of God.
  7. Temptation makes us long for heaven.
  8. Temptation engages the strength of Christ. “If a poor soul was to fight alone with the Goliath of hell, he would be sure to be vanquished; but Jesus Christ brings in His auxiliary forces, He gives fresh supplies of grace. (37)

Though God uses temptation for our good, Watson is also quick to point out that there is a great difference between falling into temptation and running headlong into it. We should avoid temptation whenever possible, and should be quick to help others avoid it. Yet, God in His sovereign mercy will at times allow that chocolate cake to be in our presence. And he does this to bring about good. He doesn’t tempt us, but He will even use the enemies work to accomplish His glory for our good.

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