Read This! 10.31.17

10 Things You Should Know about the 144,000 in Revelation

I don’t always agree with Sam Storms on eschatology, but he always makes me think and I always learn something.

How ‘LGBT-Affirming’ Is Like KJV-Onlyism

Now that’s an interesting connection.

The 7 Deadly Sins of Political Junkies

This shows why we should be more careful with politics.

Senior Pastors Are Not Always Right About Staff Decisions

It’s true. We aren’t always right about anything…except Jesus.

Conversations through 95 Theses for Biblical Counseling

This is a conversation worth following.

Keeping Kids Safe From Sexual Predators

This is an example of an article that won’t be needed in heaven. But we aren’t there yet, so you’d better read up.

4 Reasons to Make Your Kids Go to Church

I’ve probably tended to err on the side of not forcing kids to go, but this is a compelling article.

A Good Leader Doesn’t Lead Everyone the Same

Knowing these distinctions is very important.

This is good stuff: