Read This! 10.26.17

The Most Dangerous Thing Luther Did

This is what really caused the Reformation.

Should Teens Own Smartphones?

I think smartphones are dangerous for adults, but they are especially dangerous for susceptible teens.

The Accidental Reformer: Hans Gooseflesh

What a great name. And what an interesting story.

Open Letter to John Piper on White Evangelicalism and Multiethnic Relations

I’m really interested in this ongoing discussion.

Three Worries of Pastor’s Wives and How to Overcome Them

I appreciate not only identifying these but also some ways to help.

7 Spurgeon Quotes for Stressed Leaders

This isn’t only something that the nerd in me enjoys but it’s also incredibly helpful.

The Un-Millennial Church

A breath of fresh air.

What is a Writer Who Can’t Write?

Please pray for Tim Challies as he walks through this trial.

I appreciate Iain Murray so much: