Read This! 08.01.17

Protestants and Catholics Use Same Terms But Different Dictionaries

This is why it is so difficult to witness to Roman Catholics.

Hope When Your Children Stray

I suppose all children will stray in some form or fashion. But there is hope.

When Jesus Didn’t Call God His Father

This is an interesting tidbit that I’d never noticed.

The Lousy Preacher was You

A bit of help when you’ve preached what you feel like was a real stinker.

The 5 C’s of Preaching

A checklist for sermon prep.

Should Christians Cremate Their Loved Ones?

This might be a tad controversial, but I tend to agree with Piper here.

A Crash Course on Leadership Meetings

This is helpful.

Why We Sing With The Lights On

I really appreciate this perspective.

I absolutely love this: