Pray With Your Spouse: Day Twenty-Three

Day Twenty-Three: The Unchanging God

“For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.”

I read a quote the other day from an elderly woman who had been married to the same man for over sixty years. The reporter asked her what was the secret to their long marriage. Her response was simple, yet profound. She said, “The main reason is that neither of us have died”. She and her husband stood unwavering in their commitment to “’til death do you part”. We live in a culture that is constantly changing. And often marriage follows suit. Yet, as believers we are to drop anchor in God’s character. And God’s character is one that is unchanging and one where He always keeps his promises.

Listen, you and are growing older every day. We are growing in things and declining in others. We are mutable. We change every day. And the person you married is not the same person even on day two of your marriage. But as believers we remain anchored because we are in union with the Unchanging God. He doesn’t change. Though we will never be unchanging in our nature, as we grow in Christ we develop His unchanging character.

Father, I thank you that you are the unchanging one. Everything around us is changing. Sometimes we like these changes and at other times we find ourselves trying to scramble and adjust. Yet, through it all you remain Unchanged. It is because of you that we have stability. Help us to grow unchanging in our character and dedicated to reflecting You. You do not change, therefore we are not consumed. Thank you.