Pray With Your Spouse: Day Twenty-Four

Day Twenty-Four: Not Being Anxious

Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad. –Proverbs 12:25

We can be weighed down by anxiety and fear. In a fallen world there are many things to fear and become anxious about. What makes this so difficult is that many of the things we fear may actually happen. We will die. Those we love get sick. If we want to be consumed by fear and anxiety we have plenty of fuel for those flames. This is why God calls us to consistently cast all our anxieties and fear upon Him. Our hearts will be weighed down by anxiety. Let us, therefore, drop anchor in the good word of the gospel. Pray today that our marriage would be marked by a deep trust and abiding in the Lord, instead of fear and anxiety.

Father, we know there are many things which cry out for us to respond in fear and anxiety. We live in a fallen world and not everything is perfect. But we also believe that you have dealt a decisive death blow to all that opposes your kingdom. We trust that you are making all things new. Help us to cast our cares and anxiety upon you and to trust you. We give our marriage to you and all of the things that tempt us to anxiety and fear. We trust you. Amen.