Today in Blogworld 09.08.16

How to Diagnose and Treat Pastoral Authoritarianism

I wish this weren’t a problem, but it is.

3 Reasons My Idols are Better Than Jesus

I don’t necessarily agree with the idol factory metaphor, but this is why they are so appealing.

20 Quick Tips to Improve Your Productivity

Tim knows what he is talking about here. I’ve tried some of these…usually fall back into bad habits, though.

Bring Back the Church Prayer Meeting

We still have a prayer time on Wednesday evenings but it has morphed into Bible study time as well. I’m trying hard to find the balance here and teach our people to be desperate in prayer. This is one area where I often fear one of my weaknesses will be reflected in our local church. Lord, help us.

This is part two to Tom Nettles speaking on Spurgeon’s approach to the Bible: