Weird Ways People Find This Blog

Last year, I put together a list of the really weird ways people have found this blog. This years list might be just as strange:

1) Mike Leake married

I also had several inquiries about my wife and my wedding. I find it strange that people wonder if I’m married. I talk about my wife and kids all the time. Think this has anything to do with the baseball player of the same name?

2) My baby sitter never turns on lights in her house

Maybe you shouldn’t hire a vampire to be your babysitter.

3) Eric Clapton “notify me of follow up comments”

I assume he is busy. And I don’t have communication with him so I can’t let him know you want to be notified. Sorry.

4) He was won, bitten, was kidnapped because of the gospel, did not celebrate the first of the year

Whoever this poor chap is I’m not surprised he didn’t celebrate the new year. Why Google thought I’d know is beyond me.

5) the word of god says do not add or remove the words of this book do the gays know

You’ll have to ask them. And who are “the gays”? Is that a baseball team? A special club you join?

6) Burn bridges with flakes

Are these frosted flakes or dandruff flakes. Either way the fact that Google thinks I know something about burning stuff makes me wonder if they were watching me and my roommates during college.

7) Bushy guys

Thanks for putting me in the list Google. Concerned for the person searching, but honored that Google thought of me and my beard.

8) Cute kitten pics

I promise I don’t have any of these.

9) Heman lightning

I’d prefer that Google sent Skeletor fans to my blog, but I’ll take it.

10) What can you do wrong on the internet?

The fact that Google sent someone to my blog as an answer to this question seems fitting.

Photo source: here