Today in Blogworld 02.20.15

Biggest Mistakes Preachers Make: Not Preaching to the People Present

I’m confident I made this mistake early on. And with all my time interacting online and engaging arguments in seminary, this is still one I have to watch out for.

3 Female Ghosts that Haunt the Church

This is very insightful. I think every pastor should read this.

Brian Williams and Our Forgiveness Problem

Yep. I witnessed a few very ugly Facebook conversations on this point. Brian Williams essentially threw himself under the bus. I’m not sure why believers feel it okay to drive over him, back up, and do it all over again.

Who Will Remove the Stain of Cognitive Sexual Self-Abuse?

I promised myself I wouldn’t link to any 50 Shades of Grey articles. But Aaron’s is so good that I have to.

Here are a few tips from solid preachers on sermon prep: