A Year With Newton

Last year, I challenged you to spend a year with a Dead Theologian. We picked Richard Sibbes, and Nick Horton graciously led us for the entire year.

This year I want us to spend a year with John Newton.

I always encourage people to pick a dead theologian to be a “lifer’. This is a guy that you’ll spend your entire life reading through his works over and over again. He’ll be your best bud. John Newton is my “lifer”.

One downside to reading Newton over Sibbes is that less of his work is available for free. But it is worth every penny that you’ll spend. Here are the suggested books you’ll want to request for Christmas:

The Works of John Newton.  (Note: Don’t pay over 120 for this)
Wise Counsel by Grant Gordon
Life of John Newton by Josiah Bull
Letters of John Newton

Total Cost: $120-180

As much as I want you to purchase the complete works of Newton I’m going to do my best to make most of the schedule come out of his Wise Counsel, Life, and Letters. So if you can’t get his works get those three and I think we can make it work.

Will you join us?