Today in Blogworld 09.24.14

6 Reasons Women Should Study Theology

Books on homemaking, marriage, and parenting are readily accepted by women, books on theology are not quite as enthusiastically received. Jen Thorn gives us six reasons why that should not be the case.

How Long Should That Tweet, Title, and Facebook Post Be?

If you are interested in social media and how you can reach more people this article is informative. At the end of the day I believe advice like this can do us favors—but I also believe that content is key. Have something significant to say and you’ll gain readers.

Friendless Millennials in a Digital Age

Millennials seem to have a difficult time making friends.

He’s An ‘Anomaly’

I enjoyed this write up on LeCrae. I’m also enjoying LeCrae’s new album.

If you had watch a hamster vs. Kobayashi in a hot dog eating context, you can check it off: