Pray For Your Husband: 31 Day Challenge–Day Thirteen

Day Thirteen: That he would find his worth in Christ alone

And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” ~1 Corinthians 1:30-31

I enjoy listening to the playful banter that often takes place when men gather. Lots of rib poking and baritone laughter. Lighthearted camaraderie at its finest and one of the few times I have thought it would be great to be “one of the guys”. At times like these, however, I have sometimes seen the joking take a turn down a darkened path. It happens when camaraderie is overshadowed by competition, and boasting presides over banter. One man asks, “Did I tell you about my _____________ (<—fill in the blank with some possession)?” only to have the other reply, “Oh yeah, I’ve got two of those.” Oneupmanship can spoil an otherwise wonderful day… or friendship. How much better it is to be firmly convinced that all our worth is complete in Christ and that, should we boast, it is only in the Lord Jesus.

Father, I lift my husband up before you with all his yearnings and desires, his longing for affirmation. I pray, Lord, that you would show him in your Word where his worth lies. Remind him of his standing in Christ. Speak truth to his questioning heart. Give him confidence to boast – but to boast only in the Lord. Work sanctification in him, Jesus, that he might model this to his family and friends and that your name would be glorified. Amen

An anonymous wife