Today in Blogworld 05.28.14

Can You Keep Your Kids from “Running Away” from God after Graduation?

Erik Raymond’s oldest son is graduating from high school. Here are his thoughts on parenting at this point in his life.

4 Ways to Minister to Older Saints

If we believe the Bible then we can’t neglect the older saints in our congregations.

Why So Little of the Bible?

Churches aren’t hearing the Bible as much these days. Dr. Mohler believes he knows why.

7 Questions for Discouraged Pastors

These seven questions might help pull you out of the pit of discouragement. I think if a discouraged pastor would read through these lists eventually he’ll see that the Lord has (and is) using him. I might add an eighth, “When are you going to stop being so stinking prideful and self foucsed?”

The heart-warming story of a blind pole-vaulter: