Today In Blogworld 05.20.14

His Commandments Are Not Burdensome

Danny Hyde weighs in on the debate surrounding Tullian Tchividjian’s error involving his law/gospel distinction. He provides a helpful biblical corrective.

The Blessing and Challenge of Graduation

Alex Chediak writes over at DG specifically to graduating high school students. Share this with your high school kids and young adults.

The Trauma Of Abuse And The Blessing Of Repentance

As a painful chapter of abuse comes to close with a conviction, Wendy Alsup has some wise words. (Always report it. Always.)

Witnessing To Homoexuals

Leon Brown gives some helpful advice for witnessing Christ to homosexuals. The witnessing is the same (of course), it’s the other tips he has that are helpful.


Well how else is a cat going to defend itself against a Pit Bull and his worthless friend? Watch this.


Nick Horton

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