Seven Books I’ve Been Enjoying

I  haven’t reviewed nearly as many books as I once did. But I still love reading. Here are a few books that I’ve really enjoyed reading (in no particular order):

  1. Doc: A Memoir. I’ve been a fan of Dwight Gooden since I was a kid. It’s nice to  hear that he is getting his life turned around. He also doesn’t spare spilling some dirt on Daryl Strawberry.
  2. Slimed! I’m not a huge fan of the writing style in this one, but it has been interesting to read some behind the scenes stuff from the Golden Era of Nickelodeon. (Some language)
  3. One with Christ. I’ve dedicated 2014 to studying the doctrine of our union with Christ. Marcus Peter Johnson makes a compelling argument that union with Christ is a much neglected doctrine in evangelicalism.
  4. Animal. As a little boy I was infatuated with George “The Animal” Steele. He was the goofy wrestler that would eat the turnbuckles. He’s also a brother in Christ and this is his story.
  5. The Pittsburgh Cocaine Seven. I never realized how prominent cocaine was in the early 80s. After all, I was born in 1981. This is an enlightening look at how prevalent the white powder was in baseball. (Some language and mature themes throughout)
  6. An Infinite Journey. Tim Challies called this a “systematic theology of spiritual growth and maturity” in his glowing review. It caught my attention and I haven’t been disappointed.
  7. Feelings and Faith. I haven’t read enough quite yet to know if I will ultimately agree with Brian Borgman’s conclusions. But this book is very unique. As a Baptist you don’t read much about cultivating godly emotions but we should.

What books have you been reading with pleasure?