31 Days of Purity: Day Twelve

Day Twelve: Trust in God’s Promises

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Our God is a promise-making and promise-keeping God. What he says, he will do; what he offers, he will provide. One of his great promises is that he is with us in the midst of our temptations. Even in those times when Satan custom-crafts a temptation suited perfectly to our desires, even there–especially there–God promises that he is with us and that in his strength we can endure. All we need to do is take hold of what he offers.

My brother, you have only ever sinned because you have chosen to sin. You have only ever sinned because you have chosen to reject the way of escape that God has offered you. God does not promise that you will not be tempted or that you will not be tempted beyond your natural ability to resist. But he does promise that he is with you right there in the temptation and that, if you look to him and take hold of his promises, you will be able to resist. When the temptation comes, take hold of his good promises, take hold of his kind mercy. With his help you are able to endure every temptation without sin.

Father, I pray that you would help me to arm myself with your promises. Let me fill my mind and heart with your Word so in that moment of temptation I can be like Jesus and meet every trial, every temptation, with your truth. I know I will be tempted today and every day, so let me believe that you will provide a way of escape for every single temptation I face. I am too weak to rely on myself. Please teach me to rely on you, to trust in your promises. For your promises are true and good.

Tim Chalies is husband to Aileen and a father to three children aged 7 to 13. He worships and serves as a pastor at Grace Fellowship Church in Toronto, Ontario, where he primarily gives attention to mentoring and discipleship. He blogs daily at challies.com, is a book reviewer for WORLD magazine, co-founded Cruciform Press, and has written four books.