Pray For Your Daughter: 31 Day Challenge—Day Twenty-Six

Day Twenty-Six: That she would remember that she is not perfect

“This God – His way is perfect.” –Psalm 18:30

It is easy to neglect praying for how we relate to our children. We need to understand them in light of their fallen nature. It is equally easy to fall into a pattern of demanding obedience apart from the hope of the gospel. Thus, our children find morality more therapeutic than the gospel. They find their satisfaction in doing right rather than knowing the Righteous One. They develop self-righteousness.

We need to remind ourselves that they are imperfect and are only made perfect by Christ. We want to teach them to love the Law of God. We want them to see how Christ’s fulfillment of the Law of God as the Word incarnate covers the gap of their imperfections. His grace woos our daughter’s as it woos her parents.

Lord, today my daughter will betray you. Today, she will reveal her imperfection. She may act selfish. She may say something mean to her mommy, friend or sibling. She may be defiant. Not a day goes by where she will not betray your perfection. Yet, you lavish your grace upon her. Your grace is so bountiful; your grace is so lovely. May she not exploit your grace; may your grace compel her to loving obedience.

Continue to remind me that she is not perfect. As I see her imperfections, help me extend grace out of patience. Remind me of my position as a sinner. In those moments when I want to grit my teeth and bellow an angry response to her defiance, change my disposition. Remind me of how you love. Remind me of how you’re patient. Help me to speak tender words to her. Help me to firmly love her. And help me to preach the gospel to her constantly. So she will remember and celebrate your bountiful grace.

Joey Cochran is the father of Chloe and Adalie. He is the Church Planting Intern at Redeemer Fellowship St. Charles and blogs at Follow @joeycochran on twitter.