Pray For Your Daughter: 31 Day Challenge—Day Twenty-Five

Day Twenty-Five: That she would find her identity in Christ

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! –1 John 3:1

Who am I? This is the cry of every young girl. Where do I fit in? Am I acceptable to others? Am I good enough, pretty enough, or smart enough? Our culture pushes so many values at our daughters, insisting that they can be everything and have everything. It tells girls that the approval of others is what really matters. As a result, they spend so much time worrying about accomplishments and appearance instead of seeking first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. If they could grasp what it means to be loved by God and adopted as His daughters, perhaps the rest would become less important.

Father in heaven, I thank you for the love that you have lavished on my daughter. You have loved her from eternity and desire her love in return. Please speak louder than the world to her heart and mind, so that she may know your love for her. Help her to cherish your love above all else and to understand what it means to be a daughter of the King. Help me, as her parent, to assist her in prioritizing the message of scripture above the lies of the world. I want to lead her with my life and my lips. I pray that whenever she feels alone, insignificant, or unlovely that you will remind her of who she is to you.

Corey Whittaker has two teens and has been a Youth Pastor for over 20 years. He has an MA From Trinity School for Ministry in Youth Ministry and an MA from Liberty University in Counseling. He currently serves at Christ the King in Durham, NC as the Youth Pastor and various and sundry other roles.