Pray For Your Daughter: 31 Day Challenge—Day Seven

Day Seven: That she would be a loving sister.

I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord. (Philippians 4:2, ESV)

Sisters have a truly unique kind of relationship with their siblings. In His good creation God made women with an amazing and deep capacity for relationship; this is never more so on display than within the family of the local church. Here Christian women become sisters of numerous brothers and sisters, both older and younger, playing an integral role in the unity and health of the local church body. However, for as long as we are still battling that abiding sin nature, relationship will also have the potential for argument, hurt, resentment and gossip. Let us pray that God will help our daughters to be supportive and encouraging sisters who are united by a love for Christ and His church, and who refuse to be divided by petty differences.

Father, I am in wonder of the way you have created women, and I praise you for their unique gifts in creating and fostering relationships. Thank You for using them to strengthen and grow your church! I ask that you would bless my daughter with the grace and abundant love to use her gifts for the unity of the church, speaking words of wisdom and peace, avoiding all manner of back-biting, bitterness and gossip. Please help my daughter to be a loving sister for the advancement of the church, to the glory of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Ryan Freeman is husband to Janis, father of Wesley, Jaedyn and Tobias, and a Deacon and founding member of Grace Fellowship Church of West Toronto. He is the president of Strider Search Marketing, a small online marketing firm serving SMBs, non-profits, and churches.

Wesley Freeman is the proud protector of his sister, Jaedyn, and cousins Susannah, Caitlyn, and Madalyn, and mentor to younger brother Tobias.