Pray For Your Son: 31 Day Challenge—Day Twenty

Day Twenty: That he would be an example and follow godly examples

Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us. Philippians 3:17

At times our sons will follow examples and at other times they will be examples. It is imperative that our children follow godly examples. If our children are younger (and even if they are not) it important that we model Christ. Even when we fail in the way that we represent Christ we must model repentance and point to the grace of Christ. Let us pray today that our children will follow godly examples and also that they will be examples of Christ.

Lord, thank you for the example of Christ. I know that He is so much more than just an example—but He is certainly not less. Thank you for His sacrificial life and ultimately His sacrificial death. I pray that my son follows your example. I also pray that he follows other godly examples. May his mother and I be models of Christ that he can follow. Help us to repent when we fail in this. I also pray that he might be a faithful model of Jesus Christ. Thank you for grace. In Jesus name, Amen.