Pray For Your Son: 31 Day Challenge—Day Fifteen

Day Fifteen: That he would be made willing to be forgotten

So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.’”

Rober Murray McCheyne, a Scottish pastor from the 1800’s once wrote in his diary, “I need to be made willing to be forgotten”. Those words have stuck with me. Our culture trains parents and their children that they must be epic difference makers. The biblical pattern seems to be to follow the Lord and let him decide our platform, influence, and usefulness. We’ve made an idol out of usefulness. Therefore, let’s pray that our sons would be content with being followers of Jesus. May they have hearts that are willing to be forgotten—so long as Christ Jesus shines upon them.

Father, I pray that I would help my son to be content with the lot that the Lord gives to him. Help him to work hard and to strive to follow You in everything that he does. But at the end of the day, I pray that you make him willing to be forgotten. Help his mom and dad be proud of him no matter how “epic” he is. May he be faithful. May his heart’s cry be to have You exalted in all things. Amen.