Torn to Heal’s Intended Audience

Every author writes for an intended audience. Or at least he/she should. Whenever I am training young men in preaching I tell them to preach with a rifle instead of a shotgun. Writing is the same. If you aim too broadly you might hit a good number of people but the impact will not be very deep.

When I sat down to write Torn to Heal I had to decide whether I wanted it to impact scholars/pastors or lay people. I chose to write the book on a popular level. One of the most encouraging blurbs on the back was written by David Murray:

“Torn to Heal is the most concise, readable, and helpful theology of suffering I’ve come across. The content, length, and tone is just perfect for those who are in the furnace of affliction screaming ‘Why’?”

I did not write Torn to Heal for scholars to debate suffering and evil. I wrote it for people in the furnace of affliction that need a helpful theology of suffering and they need it yesterday. I wrote this book because I want to help suffering people give glory to God in the midst of life’s difficulties.

I wanted to write a book that a pastor or counselor could give to somebody in the midst of suffering. Something that is short enough that they could read it in a day or two if they desired. And something that is simple enough and practical enough that almost anybody could easily read.

My hope is that this book gets into the hands of pastors/counselors and that from there the book gets into the hands of struggling people. I really do believe that this book can help people. But it cannot help people unless they get it into their hands. I’ve been praying from the beginning that the Lord would put the book into the hands of anyone that needs it. Ultimately, I pray that the Lord leads suffering people into His own hands for healing and redemption. If that happens through other means then I’m happy—but I do believe that this can be a means to that end.

One of the reasons that I published with Cruciform Press is because their books are inexpensive and can be purchased in bulk for a relatively inexpensive rate. If you are a pastor/counselor/bookstore person let me know and I will try to hook you up with a copy. You can read through it and decide whether or not your congregation would benefit from it.

Buy your copy of Torn to Heal today.