Today in Blogworld 04.17.13

The problem with “mental illness”

Great words here from David Murray on the danger of minimizing mental illness and also maximizing mental illness. Be sure to read his follow-up post as well.

Gospel-Centered Manhood: Three Correctives

These are three truths that correct counterfeit notions of manhood, with a sweet Chuck Norris photo to boot.

Facebook Friends and Sin

I’ve almost stopped getting on Facebook all together. At times it pains me too much to see former students partying their lives away. It is also a place where the absolute lack of discernment for Christians is made evident. I’m glad for this article which helps me know how to respond.

How Sovereign is God?

Justin Taylor quotes Spurgeon and then compiles a ton of Scripture to back up the huge claim of Spurgeon.

I think we will train our church greeters in the art of giving a “BAM”