Today in Blogworld 1.16.13

7 Lessons on Blogging

Thom Rainer has become a regular blogger. Here he notes a few lessons he has learned in the last three years of blogging.

Pilgrim’s Conflict with Sloth

A great video and introduction by John Piper on sloth. I hope with his “retirement” he does more stuff like this.

How Do We Know if God is Disciplining Us?

I’ve joked that I ought to subtitle my forthcoming book, “A Wannabe’s Interaction with D.A. Carson” or something like that. His book on suffering is phenomenal. That’s why I was excited to see Carson tasked with answering the question above. Here is his answer.

Short Rules of Blogging Etiquette

It would be nice if we all heeded these rules of blogging etiquette. Helpful post here by Barry York.

These are insane. I’m pretty sure that some of them would cause me to break my nose on the concrete floor: