Today in Blogworld 01.23.13

Church Covenant or Church Contract?

Our church just voted on our new constitution and church covenant. I found this article by Tim Brister insightful: “A church covenant spells out the intentions and aspirations of believers who confess “Jesus is Lord” and seek to live together with fellow Christians in mutual submission to Christ and to one another. What binds us together is not flawless performances in keeping the church covenant, but gospel-centered lives of repentance and faith that enrich the community living in reconciled relationships freely offering grace and forgiveness toward one another.”

MLK’s Dream and the Nightmare of Black Genocide

Abortion is also a race issue. On MLK day David Mathis showed us why.

5 Things You Didn’t Know about “Jane Roe”

Yesterday was the anniversary (can you call it an anniversary) of Roe v. Wade. Here are 5 facts about the “Roe” in that landmark case.

My Pastoral Confidentiality Policy

There have been a few recent articles on pastoral confidentiality. Tom Ascol’s is the best in my opinion.

This throws me a curveball…am I nerd? I’m not so sure anymore…