Today in Blogworld 12.13.12

The Healing Within the Healing

Jared Wilson reflects on the “Gospel Deeps” of Mark 5:21-43. “The gospel story is about Christ’s exaltation, but our healing is an integral part of the story — indeed, it is part of his exaltation. The love of Christ is so deep, there is more than enough for you if you want it.”

Freedom of Speech is a Joke (or at least the freedom to tell one)

“The ranks of the professionally offended seem to grow every day”, says Carl Trueman. Here Trueman reflects upon the suicide of the woman who let through two prank callers and the backlash tha3 St has ensued.

3 Secrets of Productivity and Godly Efficiency

Andy Naselli shares D.A. Carson’s 3 secrets. Guess they aren’t a secret anymore…nice job, ruining the secret Andy.

How Should Seminaries Train Pastors to Counsel

This is only part one but it is a really interesting post. I’m not one that has any ability to influence the seminary but I do think many need an overhaul at how they train pastors in counseling. Many know how to exegete Scripture but it seems that fewer know how to care for souls.

Matt Papa tells the best story ever: