Today in Blogworld 10.05.12

Happy Birthday to my precious little girl, Hannah! 

How Can You Encourage Your Pastor

October is pastor appreciation month.  Erik Raymond has offered a few ways that we can encourage our pastors.  As a pastor myself, I can say that I resonate with all eleven of these. 

6 Reasons Christians Should Study the Tabernacle

One of the sections that Christians sometimes skip over is all of the intricate detail of the Tabernacle.  I doubt many really do extensive study of the Tabernacle.  The folks at Ligonier have given us six reasons why that shouldn’t be the case.

Why Thabiti Anyabwile Will Not Be Voting

That’s not the title of his post.  But that is basically what he is saying.  Very intriguing points.  And I have to be honest and say that I am leaning towards following that same path myself.  Be sure to read his post on W.E.B. DuBois as well. 

Four Steps to Overcoming Judgmentalism

This is a really good and helpful article.  All of us can at times be judgmental in various areas.  Here are ways to curb that tendency.

Haven’t had a chance to watch this yet but I hope to do so today: