Today in Blogworld 9.17.12

Q & A with Mike Wilkerson on Addiction and Counseling

If you have any involvement with counseling and/or addiction this by Mike Wilkerson is well worth your time.  I have benefited greatly from Wilkerson’s book Redemption and would love to begin redemption groups in our community.

It’s Time to Stop Being Authentic Christians

This might seem like a ridiculous statement but Stephen Altrogge makes a really good point.  His point is that “we need to identify more with who we are in Christ than our current struggles”.  Helpful points here.

Pastoral Care: Exegeting and Eisegeting Human Beings

Zac Eswine reminds us that good pastors exegete humans as well as they exegete the biblical texts.  Eswine has written a couple of helpful books on pastoral ministry that I have always proven beneficial to me.  Preaching to a Post-Everything World and Kindled Fire (help from the ministry of C.H. Spurgeon).

When Comparison Replaces Contentment

Man I wish I had written this article.  Seriously though, Dave Kraft makes excellent points.  Great reminders for those like myself that are associate pastors. 

This is pretty funny: