Today in Blogworld 8.9.12

Can a Christian Starve to Death?

Tim Challies provides an answer to a question that I’ve pondered myself for awhile.  As always Challies is biblical and helpful (as if the two aren’t synonymous). 

Fighting Boredom with God

Jon Saunders, writing for Kevin DeYoung, gives a few tips for the dangerous sin of being bored with God.  I long for the day in heaven when articles like this are no longer necessary. 

All Refored Radio, All the Time

I am excited about the launch of RefNet, a new project sponsored by Ligonier Ministries.  I’m awaiting something like this on television to combat all the false gospels running amuck there.  (HT: Contemporary Calvinist)

Phillips’ Axioms

Dan Phillips is a great writer.  If you’ve spent any time on Pyromaniacs you probably either hate Dan or love him.  I’m in the latter category.  Here he has compiled a list of axioms.  I find them helpful. 

I’m excited about Lecrae’s new album, Gravity, which hits stores September 4th.  You can pre-order now though.  This is the first video from the new album: