Today in Blogworld 8.17.12

Some Basic Thoughts on Manhood: Confidence and Fear

This is a tremendous article from Thabiti Anyabwile.  It’s helpful for wives to read to understand and serve their husbands better.  It’s also a nice kick in the pants for men as well. 

The Shelf Life on Preaching the Gospel to Yourself

We’ve heard the phrase “preach the gospel to yourself” quite a bit.  It’s a good statement.  But does the actual practice have a “shelf-life”?  David Mathis offers an answer.

Gutsy, Grace-Filled Boldness

I don’t really want to spoil anything in this article.  I really appreciate Aaron’s last sentence in this article.  Read through to the end.

Why is TGC Complementarian?

Can of worms, meet my friend TGC.  Great article, great video.  Many have really balked at the stance of TGC on complementarianism.  Why would they make that such a huge gospel issue?  Here is your answer.

You know this isn’t going to end well, don’t you: