Today in Blogworld 8.13.12

When God Withdraws His Sense of Presence

I’ll be honest and say that I have not yet had the chance to listen to this.  But it looks really good.  If one of my readers gets a chance to give it a listen let me know what you think of it.  The discussion is with Ryan Kelly and Mark Mellinger talking about the doctrine of desertion. 

Some Advice for Youth Ministers

Dave Hinkley, writing for Kevin DeYoung, gives four pieces of advice for youth ministers.  I hope this doesn’t sound rude, but what really encourages me about this article is how “boring” it is.  What I mean is that 10 years ago this would have been an earth shattering article.  Now I think several youth ministers have bought into Hinkley’s advice here.  That excites me.  Because I agree with Hinkley’s advice. 

Fighting the Poverty of Attention

You’re probably doing about four different things right now.  You’ll click on this link.  Skim it, and then move on to something else.  Jon Bloom considers our consumption of a wealth of information and the poverty of attention that it produces.  Hey, squirrel!!!

5 Reasons Why You Might Not Want to Enter the SBC Calvinist-Traditionalist Discussion

Adam B. Embry is giving up discussing the issue on blogs.  He lists five reasons why he thinks you should as well.  I have to say that I mostly agree, and I mostly am out of the discussion myself.  However, I will occasionally post something on it or a comment here or there.  I am considering posting a brief response to Embry’s article. 

The physics behind a cat landing on its feet.  I found this really interesting:

(HT: 22 Words)