TweetNotes for @Challies Sexual Detox: A Guide For Guys Who Are Sick of Porn

A couple of months ago I had the opportunity to review Tim Challies helpful little booklet Sexual Detox.  It truly is one of the most helpful little resources to give to guys that are struggling with porn/lust and want to find help. 

Here are the TweetNotes for the book. 

1: We live in a porn-saturated world w/real God-denying & soul-crushing consequences.  #makewar

2: Marriage doesn’t solve your porn problem any more than clothing a monkey makes it a human.  #heartchangerequired

3: Contra @Dobson & @Perkins masturbation is sinful as it pollutes the mind and leads to isolation #guilt&shameasignofgrace

4: Sex is good b/c it motivates joyful obedience, strengthens the husband’s leadership, & enhances true freedom #sexisgoodnotGod

5: Knowing what sex is & is not provides a biblical basis for answering the “Can we _____?” questions

6: Seeing yourself & your porn problem w/God’s eyes motivates you to pursue freedom by turning from sin to Christ

You can purchase the book here.  Or the E-book here.