Today in Blogworld 6.6.12

Southern Baptists and Salvation: It’s Time to Talk

Albert Mohler responds to A Statement of the Traditional Southern Baptist Understanding of God’s Plan of Salvation.  It is a very cordial and bridge building response that I hope every Southern Baptist reads.  As the conversation continues I pray that it does not escalate to anything that we would be ashamed of.  There are a couple of statements in Dr. Mohler’s response that I think some people may jump on—I hope to interact with that a little this afternoon. 

Letter to a 13-Year Old Asking How to Go Deeper in Bible Study

Read John Piper’s response to a 13-year old girl who asks about going deeper in Bible study.  Reading this is helpful advice to anyone and not just 13 year olds.  This is one of the reasons why I love Piper.  He’s not afraid to give advice to a 13 year old girl—but he’s also not afraid to raise the bar for her as well. 

What Every Husband Should Know About Stay-at-Home Moms

Gloria Furman, writing for DG, gives some great advice to husbands of stay-at-home moms.  Just one more reason why my wife is amazing.  I could never do what she does.  Guys when your wife is at home with your kids she isn’t watching Matlock—she’s waging an epic battle. 

Rural Ministry is Not Second Rate

As one that has served in mostly rural settings I really appreciate Jared Wilson’s words here.  There is a little something uneasy in my stomach whenever a vast majority of our church planting efforts go towards the cities.  I understand the trickle down effect—but as one that has lived around farmers it doesn’t trickle down like “city folk” think it does. 

Fill Your Reader: The Masculine Mandate only 99 cents. 

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