Today in Blogworld 6.5.12

Teaching Preaching

David Martin explains how he went about teaching future leaders in his church how to preach.  This is a very helpful and practical article for anyone that is given the task of training people to preach but aren’t quite sure how to systematically do it.  (HT: Challies)

Southern Baptists, I Have a Feeling We’re Not in Zion Anymore

Trevin Wax believes that the days of cultural Christianity are well on their way out.  The question before us now is what are we going to do about it?  Will we fight it and bemoan it’s loss?  Or will we take advantage of this opportunity?  Wax has a few helpful suggestions for living out the latter.

Does Scripture Clearly Command This?

Mark Altrogge responds to a church that has issued a “courtship policy”.  His questions and thinking here extends far beyond this churches policy.  It is always important for us to differentiate between practice and principle.

Why Stay-at-Home Moms Are More Depressed Than Working Moms

A recent Gallup Poll indicates what many stay-at-home moms have known for awhile–they battle depression more than moms out in the work field.  Sharon Lerner has commented on these findings, some, noting that it is perhaps a lack of appreciation and/or financial strain that may be causing this.  I, however, think more can be said for Ellen Morgan Peltz’s take.  I appreciate her work here.  (HT: David Murray)

Without a doubt this is my preferred method of carrying in the groceries (minus the fire…usually)

(HT: 22 Words)