Today in Blogworld 6.26.12

“The Idea of Evangelism Makes Me Uncomfortable”

Trevin Wax tackles the objection that doing evangelism reeks of arrogance and feelings of superiority.  I especially like how he ends Fix the worship problem, and evangelism starts coming naturally.

7 Steps to Avoid Sexual Sin and Stay in Ministry

Dustin Neeley reflects on the all-too-often headlines of pastors disqualifying themselves.  Put these 7 things into place and you’ll be less likely to give sin an opportunity. These are helpful safeguards that every pastor ought to put in place.  I agree with all 7 and would actually add an eighth—“Be enamored with Jesus”.  When our affections for Christ grow cold sin looks sweet.  But when Christ is sweet and we are tasting that the Lord is good sin doesn’t have such an appeal.

Sinners Prayer & The SBC

David Platt responds to the recent dust-up in the SBC over the use and validity of a “sinner’s prayer”.  I appreciate Platt’s words in part 1.  I anxiously await part 2.  I also think Dave Miller makes a good argument at SBC Voices that there is more agreement on this issue than there appears to be.

The Nowness of Obedience

Rebekah Merkle, writing for DG, has a few reflections on the nowness of obedience.  Her central argument is that “it’s flatly impossible to obey God in any other moment than the present”.  Great word. 

If you have ever been awake at night pondering what it would be like to see Mr. Rogers Breakdancing then wait no more:

(HT: Z)