Today in Blogworld 5.30.12

The Tale of the Bicycle and the Typewriter

I found this little slice of history quite entertaining.  Here Justin Taylor interacts a little with Alister McGrath’s new biography on J.I. Packer.  One can only imagine how our world would have been different had Packer’s parents given him a bicycle instead of a typewriter. 

William Still Sermons Online

I have never listened to a William Still sermon.  However, I did greatly enjoy his little book The Work of a Pastor.  If his preaching is anything like his admonishments to other preacher then I figure these will be quality sermons to listen through. 

Newest Journal of Biblical Counseling Now Online

Volume 26 | Number 2 is now online.  Inside is an article by Timothy Lane on Addictions, Winston Smith on What’s Right about Sex, David Powlison on How Does Scripture Change You?, and a couple helpful articles for those dealing with a counselee with suicidal desires as well as an article on helping a teenager in crisis.  As with most everything CCEF puts out this is worthy of a read. 

Connecting Theological Depth with Missional Passion

Our church plans on implementing The Gospel Project this fall—at least in our children and youth departments.  If you have yet to hear about it (regardless if you are SBC or not) you really ought to check out this curriculum.  Here Ed Stetzer and Trevin Wax discuss the theological mindset that undergirds this project. 

I have yet to watch this but I am really interested to view it.  Justin Taylor interviews John Piper and his successor, Jason Meyer: