Five +One Friday 2/10/12

Timmy Brister considers Structuring the Church for Maximum Edification.  Really good thoughts here and an article that I’m going to read and think through a little more today.

Another article to mull over is this one by Bobby Jamieson: Pastors, Don’t Let Your People Resign into Thin Air

The Journal of Biblical Counseling is Returning.  Woot, Woot!  I’m excited about this.  Watch the video below:

The return of The Journal of Biblical Counseling from CCEF on Vimeo.

Chuck Colson is calling Christians to civil disobedience in regards to President Obama’s recent HHS decision.  This could get rather interesting.  Personally, I don’t think we are quite at a spot yet where people will get thrown in prison.  But I’ve been wrong before. 

Ed Stetzer exposes The Baptist Bogeyman.  Interesting piece with much to commend it. 

One reason I’m excited about baseball in 2012 and beyond: The ROYALS have a stacked youth movement.  Sometime I’m going to have to make a trip back to Missouri, pick up my buddy Brian and head to KC to catch a game.