Remembering that God Remembers

For half a year Noah and his family have been holed up in a boat made of gopher wood.  Tense times we sure to be had.  Because Noah and his family took their sinful nature inside the boat with them, I’m certain that there were plenty of spats that would come from being stuck together in the same place for an extended period of time.  Or maybe not.  Regardless of the atmosphere inside the boat we read these redemptive words in Genesis 8:

But God remembered Noah and all the beasts and all the livestock that were with him in the ark.

Now when you read the word “remembered” its not to be compared to you and I suddenly remembering that we have a pizza in the oven.  It’s not as if God was sitting at home watching the Evan Almighty and suddenly realized…”Oh, snap!  Noah!  I better go rescue him”.

No, when you see the word “remembered” typically in Scripture it means something more profound.  As my trust ESV Study Bible notes on Genesis 8, “When the Bible says that God ‘remembers’ someone or his covenant with someone, it indicates that he is about to take action for that person’s welfare”. 

When God “remembers” someone he is going to set himself to work on their behalf.  In this particular case God is going to take action to soak up all the water, rescue Noah and his family, and renew the earth. 

I need God to remember me today.  I need God to remember me every day.  I not only need him to “remember that I am but dust” I also need him to “remember when you come into your kingdom”.  I need God to work on my behalf today.  I need to remember that unless God remembers me I have no hope.  And I also need to remember that “at one time I was separated from Christ…but now I have been brought near”. 

Remember today that Christ in you is a sign that God remembers you.  And if you know God remembers you, then you know that He is steadily working on your behalf.