The Incarnation and the Rich Young Ruler

Have you noticed in the story of The Rich Young Man (Mt. 19:16-30) that Jesus does NOT lower the bar, and does NOT go chasing after him?

richruler Does this story teach us to not lower the standards to get someone to follow Jesus?  I think so.  Jesus told the man the entire truth and was unwilling to lower what it meant to follow Him.  We must never neuter the gospel.  Point taken.

So, does that mean that we do not “go after” people?  I have certainly preached it that way before.  And I think there is some truth to that statement.  However, I missed something.  The very existence of the conversation is proof that Jesus goes after rebel sinners.  It’s not in heaven where this conversation is taking place.  The incarnation is when the holy Jesus invaded the rebellious world. 

Granted there are times (like in this story) where we should not go running after people.  But the incarnation teaches us that as a general principle we are to invade the rebellious world and not stay in our cozy bubble. 

Where do you need to take the gospel today?