Today in Blogworld 10/24

The latest 9Marks E-journal is now available. The topic is Counseling and the Local Church

How Does a Pastor Redeem the Time?: CJ interviews Jeff Purswell

Nathan White provides for us more quotes from Obadiah Sedgwick’s Christ Counsel to His Languishing Church. (Man, I have got to get this book).

Timmy Brister provides the links to the Total Church Conference. (If you check these out before next week, drop me an e-mail and let me know what you think).

You can get a free copy of Sproul’s Chosen By God by going here.

Are our churches filled with nominal Christians? (HT: Transforming Sermons)

What constitutes suffering for Christ? CJ and Lig Duncan Interview Piper.

Bob Kauflin tells us 10 Ways to Write Bad Worship Songs.

This Piper quote is going on my wall as soon as I get my laptop back. “If it is true, preach it with authority. If it is precious, preach it with passion.” Read the rest.

You can’t tell me you’ve never wanted to do this:

(HT: Douglas Wilson)